Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de display

to displayexhibir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I displayyo exhibo
you displaytú exhibes
he displaysél exhibe
she displaysella exhibe
we displaynosotros exhibimos
you displayvosotros exhibís
they displayellos exhiben
they displayellas exhiben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I displayedyo exhibí
you displayedtú exhibiste
he displayedél exhibió
she displayedella exhibió
we displayednosotros exhibimos
you displayedvosotros exhibisteis
they displayedellos exhibieron
they displayedellas exhibieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have displayedyo he exhibido
you have displayedtú has exhibido
he has displayedél ha exhibido
she has displayedella ha exhibido
we have displayednosotros hemos exhibido
you have displayedvosotros habéis exhibido
they have displayedellos han exhibido
they have displayedellas han exhibido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had displayedyo había exhibido
you had displayedtú habías exhibido
he had displayedél había exhibido
she had displayedella había exhibido
we had displayednosotros habíamos exhibido
you had displayedvosotros habíais exhibido
they had displayedellos habían exhibido
they had displayedellas habían exhibido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will displayyo exhibiré
you will displaytú exhibirás
he will displayél exhibirá
she will displayella exhibirá
we will displaynosotros exhibiremos
you will displayvosotros exhibiréis
they will displayellos exhibirán
they will displayellas exhibirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have displayedyo habré exhibido
you will have displayedtú habrás exhibido
he will have displayedél habrá exhibido
she will have displayedella habrá exhibido
we will have displayednosotros habremos exhibido
you will have displayedvosotros habréis exhibido
they will have displayedellos habrán exhibido
they will have displayedellas habrán exhibido

I would displayyo exhibiría
you would displaytú exhibirías
he would displayél exhibiría
she would displayella exhibiría
we would displaynosotros exhibiríamos
you would displayvosotros exhibiríais
they would displayellos exhibirían
they would displayellas exhibirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have displayedyo habría exhibido
you would have displayedtú habrías exhibido
he would have displayedél habría exhibido
she would have displayedella habría exhibido
we would have displayednosotros habríamos exhibido
you would have displayedvosotros habríais exhibido
they would have displayedellos habrían exhibido
they would have displayedellas habrían exhibido

Participio presenteAnotado
displaying exhibiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
displayed exhibido

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